Staying Fit and Active

Yorkshire 3 PeaksIt is important to stay fit and active during lockdown it would be two easy to stay indoors this would have a negative impact on our physical health and mental wellbeing so we need to exercise, the benefits is that it  decreases stress, reduces anxiety, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, simulates mind also keeps the immune system working and also releases feel good hormones.

A great way to #exercise is to do a #walk,  it does not have to be that long the minimum amount of #exercise recommend per day is half an hour so if you did not have half an hour to spare in one go you could do it in three ten  minutes blocks or two fifteen minutes blocks which ever suits you

If you walked an hour each day you approximately walk 5k and 7,000 steps, walking is not that difficult instead of using the car to go the shop you could walk which is also good for the environment, if there are pubic rights of way near where you live you could do a local walk you do not have to do to places like the #Yorkshiredales to get into the #countryside, doing a local walk you will get to know the area better and maybe discover new things that you did not know about  and get a bit more local knowledge and history